7-Eleven – Okemos

13 10 2008
  • 3500 Okemos Rd.
  • Okemos, MI 48864
  • (517) 349-5711
  • Website
The 7-Eleven store near I-96 in Okemos.

The 7-Eleven store near I-96 in Okemos.

It was about a month ago that I first reviewed a 7-Eleven in this area when I took an unscheduled trip to the Holt 7-Eleven (review HERE) to get a Slurpee.  In that review, I remarked how clean the store was which is something I’ve never seen at a 7-Eleven before.  I wondered if it was just that store or if 7-Eleven was working on cleaning up it’s image.

J and I were leaving Meridian Mall after a full day of shopping.  As we were heading back towards the Interstate, J asked if there was a 7-Eleven on the way.  She’s been craving Slurpee’s recently.  Even though they’re technically not Slurpee’s, we stop quite a bit at the Speedway near our house to get their version of the frozen cola drink.

I thought there was a 7-Eleven near the Interstate and I was right.  The building sits on the corner of Okemos and Jolly Roads.  THIS is the 7-Eleven I remember.  This particular store is nothing like the shop in Holt.  It’s the dirty, cramped convenience store that I remember from my childhood.  I don’t mean dirty like disgusting, but just not sparkling clean like the Holt store was. 

They were running a sale on 44 oz Slurpee’s, but that was just way too much sugar.  We both ended up grabbing a 22 oz. cup which cost more than the 44 oz, but neither of us could trust ourselves to not drink the whole thing if we bought the bigger one.  No wonder America’s so fat.  Six months ago, I would have bought the 44 oz. and drank the whole thing just because it was cheaper.

In my review of the Holt store, I noted that I felt like there wasn’t much difference between the 7-Eleven slurpee and the Speedway knock off.  That’s not entirely accurate.  While they’re both delicious and they both taste like a frozen coke, the 7-Eleven version is much smoother than the knock offs.  I liked it because I thought it went down a little easier, but J thought it was melting too fast. 

On the plus side, the Slurpee’s did satisfy the craving we both were having.  I was a little annoyed by paying more for a smaller cup, but other than that it was the 7-Eleven I grew up loving and missing when I moved away from the Chicago area.



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