The Chocolate Garden

5 01 2009
  • 2691 Friday Road
  • Coloma, MI 49038
  • (269) 468-9866
  • Website
  • Menu
The Chocolate Garden outside of Coloma, MI

The Chocolate Garden outside of Coloma, MI

What would you do if you were faced with giant truffles staring at you from a billboard overlooking I-94 in southwest Michigan?  We have passed this billboard so many times on our way back to Lansing from Illinois, but always make excuses not to stop.  A few months ago, we needed gas and I pulled off in Coloma to find a BP, but we couldn’t find The Chocolate Garden, so we gave up and went home.  Turns out, we took a right when we should have taken a left.  This time, we were in no hurry and had no excuse not stop.

The Chocolate Garden is in the most unassuming location.  Heck, we weren’t even sure we were in the right place.  When you get off the Interstate in Coloma and take a left, you pass a number of U-Pick farms and even other chocolate places.  The Chocolate Garden was smart enough to put signs up across the street from these places to tell you to keep going. 

After about a mile, you come up a farm house with a sign out front telling you to turn in for the Chocolate Garden.  Not what we were expecting at all.  The shop sits behind the farmhouse in a little building that would be more in place in a downtown shopping district among other boutiques.  We actually passed the house the first time thinking 1.) it wasn’t open or 2.) we couldn’t possibly be in the right place.  I went up to the next farm house and turned around.  When we made our way back, I noticed the sign on the side of the building that said “open” and the other cars now turning in.  Read the rest of this entry »