Press Release – 621 is NOT Closed Permanently

5 01 2009

I hadn’t even heard this rumor, but if they’re sending out press releases to local media, there must be something going around.  Apparently they are not closed permanently….just temporarily while they renovate.

From a Brant Johnson & Associates press release….

621, Lansing’s downtown hotspot, is temporarily closed for remodeling.

621 will be closed for approximately 60 days for modernization of the restaurant/bar, according to Julian Darden, MJJJ Inc., owner and operator.

Julian “JJ” Darden says, “For over 5years of ownership, 621 appreciates the loyal patronage and support of Lansing. It has been a blessing to provide entertainment services to the Lansing community. However, it is important to modernize our establishment in order to reflect the revitalization of the New Downtown Lansing area. And 621 looks forward to being the consistent Downtown Nightspot. ”

Within the past 5 years 621 was voted “the BEST” in a number of categories for Lansing Entertainment, including Best Martini Bar. Downtown patrons and Lugnut goers have been enjoying 621 for over 10 years.

621 asks the Lansing community to be patience and cooperative as these changes are taking place. 621 is eager to have a prosperous 2009.