Celia’s Corner Cafe

8 10 2009
  • 437 W. Stewart Street
  • Owosso, MI 48867
  • (989) 725-7051
  • Website
  • Menu
Celias Corner Cafe on Stewart Street in Owosso

Celia's Corner Cafe on Stewart Street in Owosso

About a month ago, J decided she wanted a new car. We did the usual Internet research and found a couple cars she liked. The first car we test drove was at the Ford dealership in Okemos. We were kind of turned off by the salesman and didn’t feel like we were getting a fair price, so we left. She was mad at me for a few hours until she found something better in Owosso.

The next morning, we make the trip, test drove the car and bought it. We were really looking for something comfortable for the honeymoon since we were going to be in the car for two week straight. We put pretty close to 2500 miles on it in a week and a half, so when we got home, it was time for an oil change.

The dealer we bought it from gave us the first oil change free and any service it needed after the trip, so we really wanted to take it back there before we moved to Kalamazoo.

After the service was done, J and I started to drive back towards Lansing to do some packing. Before we dove into that, we decided to get some breakfast/lunch.

On the way into town, we saw a billboard for a cafe. We passed the building on the way into town and decided that was going to be our place.

Celias Corner Cafe on the way to downtown Owosso

Celia's Corner Cafe on the way to downtown Owosso

Celia’s Corner Cafe is on the corner of Stewart Street and Shiawassee on your way to downtown Owosso. It’s an unassuming red and white building with the word “RESTAURANT” plastered across the front. There’s a small parking lot along the side of the building and the entrance is from the parking lot, not the front.

You sort of walk down a hallway when you get in. Before hitting the dining room, you come to the cashier station. We stopped there and someone told us to take a seat anyway. We took a booth along the wall that fronts the street. A waitress came over with menus an we put in our order for drinks. I got a Coke. J got a coffee and a small OJ.

Lunch time had just started, but they do breakfast all day. For some reason we were both in the breakfast mood. I guess that’s what happens when we get up before 9:00 like normal people.

Wheat Toast

Wheat Toast

J ordered two eggs scrambled, hash browns, bacon, and toast. The bacon was an add on. You get your choice of either meat or potatoes, but she wanted both. She really liked everything but the eggs, but he really doesn’t like eggs anyway. If places offered meat, potatoes, and toast, that’s what she would probably get. The hash browns were nice and crispy and cooked all the way through. The bacon was crispy to almost burnt which is how she really likes it. The toast was really good. It was a thick piece of wheat toast (home made maybe?). She couldn’t eat all of it and offered some to me, but I was filling up on my own plate.

Two eggs, bacon, and french fries

Two eggs, bacon, and french fries

I got almost the same thing, but I noticed a special for two eggs, meat, potato, and mini pancakes. I got my eggs well done, bacon, and french fries. Yes, french fries were one of the options for potatoes. They’re really the only kind of potatoes I like, so I was really happy to see they would serve them for breakfast. Everything on my plate was delicious. The pancakes were a little hard to cut through, but they were small enough I could just pick them up and eat them with my hands like a Neanderthal.

Our bill was a little over $14 and J got two drinks and an extra side. Celia’s is one of those perfect community gathering places. They have a friendly staff, good food, and a pretty good price. I say it all the time, I’m not a breakfast man, but this stuff hit the spot…..it was probably the fries 🙂



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